Finally got my Beach Day!

I’ve really been needing a true day off lately. One of the downsides to working from home is that it can be difficult to take time off. Checking email real quick can very easily turn into a few hours in front of the computer. I’ve decided that Saturdays, will now be our days off, and that means no yard work or projects around the house either. With Jon that means I have to take him away from the house or we’ll end up working. I love that he has such a great work ethic, but projects around the house are truly never ending, and sometimes you just need to let it go.
This is my home yoga studio, its also the spare bedroom. I love having this space where I can practice my yoga undisturbed, at least until my dogs lose their minds because the fedex man is here.
I’ve wanted to complete my training to become a yoga teacher for a few years now, and I’ve finally signed up for a program starting in July. I’m very excited, but nervous too. I’m worried about the physical part of the training; I know I’m flexible, but my strength and stamina, for potentially long days of practicing and and learning the postures, could definitely use some improvement. I’m also concerned about the classroom part of the training, its alot of knowledge to absorb in a three week period.
But after a set back this winter, I’m now doing yoga almost everyday, even if its just 15 minutes of stretching. I’ve also added a few guided meditations and strength training sessions a week. I feel like I’m definitely seeing improvements. Which is good, because I only have a month left to get ready. I’ve also downloaded some of the text books so I can get familiar with them and not be so overwhelmed when my training starts.
Have you done any intensive yoga study? What was your experience and how would you recommend to prepare for it?