Fort Macon, Again

I love the contrast of the photos taken on a sunny day, in the previous post, and here taken on a cloudy day. As much as I’m looking forward to spring, the warm browns of the dunes in winter does have its own beauty.IMG_0057

The weather may not have been ideal, but it was nice to have the beach to ourselves.

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My Sasha and my Panzer, they look so good here, but they were probably jumping all over each other 10 seconds before this photo was taken.



Just a short hike: 2.75 miles

So far in 2015: 9.6 miles

In case anyone was wondering how I measure my milage, I use my pedometer. I’ve found that 2000 steps per mile is pretty accurate

2 thoughts on “Fort Macon, Again

  1. RyanMcGurl Post author

    Thank you! If I get a chance and similar weather conditions, I’ll definitely have to go back with my “real” camera, instead of just my phone.

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